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Monday, February 13, 2012

PetVille: Clean Bombs spotted in neighbor's houses

PetVille keeps making it easier and easier to clean house -- both your own and your neighbor's. First, the game decreased the rooms and pieces of trash per house, now you can find extra Clean Bombs while poking around your neighbor's houses. If you're not the know about Clean Bombs, they're white bombs that you can use to clean your or a neighbor's pad in one fell swoop, a godsend if you want to get points and coins, but are tired of clicking on seemingly endless amounts of half-eaten cheese and empty potato chip bags. If we could only teach our pets how to clean up after themselves, then we'd be onto something (then again, that wouldn't leave us much else to do in the game).

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FrontierVille Cheats and Tips: How to Earn Coins Guide

frontierville how to earn coins
If your FrontierVille frontier town is going to the shining pinnacle of western civilization, you're going to need lots of Coins. Although you need energy to do most everything in the game, Coins are just as crucial in building a successful frontier town in the wild west. Fortunately, we already covered energy and marriage with our FrontierVille Cheats and Tips: Energy Guide and FrontierVille Cheats and Tips: How to Get Married. Today we're here to bring you the FrontierVille Cheats and Tips: How to Earn Coins Guide.

frontierville coinsEarly on, FrontierVille Coins don't play a large role and you may find yourself with an abundance during the first levels. However, it's a smart idea to save up because soon you'll be ready to get married and start decorating or building your town: all requiring thousands of Coins. We warn you, there's no simple way to quickly amass a fortune. Collecting Coins takes time and effort. Nonetheless, our FrontierVille Cheats and Tips series is here to make it a bit easier for you with our coins guide. We take up the questions: How do I earn Coins? How can I get more Coins? or How can I receive free Coins? The answers to all these and more coming up after the break.

Continue reading to see the complete FrontierVille Cheats and Tips: How to earn Coins Guide.

Similar to energy, FrontierVille doesn't let you abuse the Coins system. Though there are no real Coin cheats or hacks allowing you to gain an unfair advantage, there are definitely methods that earn you more coins than others. Here are the various ways to earn Coins in FrontierVille:
Harvesting Crops
Growing and harvesting crops is the most efficient way to earn Coins in FrontierVille. Different crops will cost you different amounts of Coins to plant and will yield different rewards for harvesting. Usually the longer the time it takes a crop to grow, the more coins it will yield. However, if quick growing crops are planted and harvested repeatedly in a timely manner, more money can be earned.

It is important to take into account the amount of energy you have. One crop can be harvested with one point of energy. You don't want to be caught without any energy and lots of ripe crops, or your harvest might whither by the time you recover your energy. Nonetheless, you want to have crops growing pretty consistently since they (along with animals) will be your largest cash flow.

To earn coins quicker, try placing a "Tend This" sign next to your crops for your neighbors. Crops watered by your neighbors grow faster therefore delivering your precious Coins even quicker.
frontierville neighbor help
Using Neighbors
Neighbors are a great resource for getting extra coins. Everyday you can hire two neighbors to help on your farm for 50 Coins apiece. Even better: sometimes neighbors will appear on your land claim willing to help for free. Neighbors will net you Coins by doing work that would have normally cost you precious energy. Sounds like a good deal to us.
frontierville collections
Completing Collections
Harvesting crops, trees, animals, and doing most other actions in FrontierVille will occasionally reward you with collectible items. Once you collect one of each item in the set of five, these collection items can be traded in for rewards which often include Coins. For example, harvest enough tomatoes to collect all five items in the Tomato Collection (pictured above), and you'll receive 300 easy Coins.

Clearing Brush
Doing simple actions like clearing grass, boulders and skulls will also net you some easy bonus coins. Though, clearing brush usually only yields one Coin making it one of the slowest ways of collecting money. Either way, we have to beat the wilderness back out of our frontier town and we're glad we get some extra Coins for doing it.
Tending Animals
Like crops, harvesting or feeding animals will yield you Coins. In FrontierVille, animals are a strong investment since they continually get hungry and continually deliver even more coins. To see a complete list of all the animals and their Coin attributes check out our FrontierVille Cheats & Tips: Animal cheatsheet with all values.
frontierville goals
Completing Goalsfrontierville snake clobbering
Completing the tasks assigned to you in FrontierVille will grant you extra experience, and more importantly: Coins. As pictured above, many tasks and goals will give you handsome rewards for doing menial tasks. For example, decorating my FrontierVille town with a few hay bales earned me an easy 300 Coins. Make sure to do those tasks.

Selling Items
This is a pretty straightforward but often forgotten tip. If you have an item on your farm you don't want or need, sell it! That's easy money just going to waste on your farm. As soon as I completed the goal above, I sold those useless hay bales back for an extra few bucks.

Clobbering Animals
Doing a little clobbering now and then will earn you some serious Coins. Clobbering snakes or scaring bears will earn you a decent reward with each energy point used. However, the final blow will often release a jackpot of goodies (experience and coins) so make sure to beat up on those baddies.

Daily Bonus
When first signing in to FrontierVille, pay attention to the daily bonus. The bonus will often be food or Coins so don't miss this simple way to make money.
frontierville neighbors
Visiting/Helping Neighbors
Finally, never underestimate those neighbors! Not only can you hire them to work on your own farm, but merely visiting them will earn you some money (pictured above). Tending to five things on your neighbors' farms will also get you some coins.

Earning FrontierVille Coins won't be easy, but we hope perhaps our FrontierVille Cheats and Tips: How to earn Coins Guide has helped you or reminded you of all the various ways to pinch pennies. The more effective way to collect Coins in FrontierVille is to get out there and play without forgetting all the ways to earn cash we listed above.

Click here to play FrontierVille>

First gameplay footage of iPhone Farmville

No longer just a rumor, no longer just an announcement at a press conference, Farmville on the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad/iToaster is now a reality, at least on the New Zealand App Store.

And here's the proof: a quick video showing off the basics of the iFarmville interface. Look for more detailed impressions of the newly mobile Facebook game here soon.

Calling all iPhones: FarmVille is here!

This image is not an optical illusion. FarmVille for iPhone has officially arrived in the US App Store. Millions of virtual farmers rejoice, knowing that they can now tend to their crops anytime, anywhere. You can download the game from the App Store here.

FarmVille for iPhone was first announced earlier this month at Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference, and Zynga CEO Mark Pincus quickly gave a demo of the game, but didn't spill any additional details, such as an exact release date and the differences between the iPhone and Facebook versions. It makes sense, however, that the portable farm-fest rolls out now, just as iPhone 4 arrives and FarmVille celebrates its one-year anniversary.

farmville in the app store -- we can't believe our freakin eyes

The game was first spotted in the New Zealand iTunes store and downloaded immediately. First impressions of the portable FarmVille ran hot and cold. While the game seems to integrate easily with the Facebook version (enter your email and you're basically up and running) the game was moving very slowly. Like, molasses slow. When I tried the FarmVille later, it moved at a slightly faster clip, and I assume that's because it's running on the iPhone 3GS, rather than the slower iPhone 3G.
Here is a quick list of my first impressions of FarmVille for iPhone (which I have nicknamed 'PhoneVille'):

The Good:

* It's free to download and play --
* It connects easily with the Facebook version of your game
* Receiving gifts is much easier than it is on the Facebook version
* It's feels natural to use the touch screen to plant and harvest crops
* When using tractors, you can 'paint' multiple plots at once by holding and sliding your finger, and all the work is done pretty quickly. It's actually a superior tractoring experience than the Facebook version.
* The game comes with additional Apple-only content: A Rainbow Apple Tree and a Snow Leopard

The Not-So-Good:

* It takes too much time to load the game, and perform tasks in the game
* Using tractors and other machinery is a little difficult at first and takes some time to figure out
* There's still a lot of things in the original game that you can't access on the iPhone version, such as:
-- No avatar in iPhone version of the game
-- You can't buy or use building materials in the game, you can only send building materials as gifts on the iPhone
-- Puppies -- you can't take care of/interact with them on the iPhone version
-- You can only send gifts to other people playing PhoneVille
-- Collections and ribbons can only be viewed on the Facebook version of the game

Gallery: FarmVille iPhone App

Even though the game might be sluggish at times and is missing some key features, it's still a perfectly respectable replication of the game I know and love on Facebook. Check out's first impressions of FarmVille iPhone, a.k.a. PhoneVille, in the video below.

Limited time Nautilus arrives to the FishVille store

It's hardly news that FishVille has released a new limited time item in the store, because not a week goes down where they don't - but we think this one is relatively unique. The Nautilus is a marine creature that is considered a "living fossil" because it has hardly changed in millions of years. They have tentacles, a head, and gills, and can live up to 20 years.

The Nautilus in FishVille is available for only about 5 1/2 days, and costs 14 Sand Dollars. We think it's great to have something else in our aquariums other than fish, so this unique cephalopod will make a great companion for your fish and lobsters.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A sweet new version of Bejeweled Blitz

PopCap unveils a brand new version of Bejeweled Blitz -- one you can eat! OK, so this Bejeweled isn't really from PopCap, it was posted by 'ShakeSheepSound' on YouTube, and it's made of delicious candy. To see how this edible Bejeweled was created, check out the second video below, complete with indie rock/shoegazing soundtrack.

I'm impressed with the steady-handed individual tasked with moving the gem selector pieces with a tiny pair of tweezers. I also like how the artist makes it look like the pieces of candy shrink and disappear when three of the same color are matched. Talk about going to great lengths to pay homage to a game. Then again, when it's all over, you can eat your game as a reward.

FarmVille 7-Eleven promo ends, but the corny commercials will live forever

The Zynga 7-Eleven promotion officially ended on July 15 (you can still redeem codes through December, however), but these two commercials will keep the memory of our favorite Facebook game promotion alive forever.

But seriously, it's not really clear what's going on in either of these commercials (the guy from Jersey turns into a farmer? They have guns but run from the police?), but they do have that cheeseball vibe that reminds me of video games commercials from the '80s.

Give us your best interpretation of either of these videos, and whomever has the best explanation will win a Mafia Wars or FarmVille 7-Eleven code (we still have a few leftover in storage).