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Friday, February 3, 2012

Social City: Cornfield Terrain lets players build a maze of maize

After creating a full-blown Halloween theme park with all of the recent additions to Social City, how could you forget the cornfield maze? Playdom just added this new terrain item to the game that costs a pricey 10,000 coins per square, though each square does provide 1,000 Happiness and 40 XP.

And just think of the possibilities. You could create the cornfield maze of your dreams and watch as your townsfolk get lost in the mess of maize. Or you could create your own rendition of FarmVille right within Social City, but it's too bad you won't be able to harvest these crops. Better yet, why not create your own crop circles and really freak out your population Orson Welles-style?

Find our Halloween 2010 guide on FarmVille, Mafia Wars and more right here.

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