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Saturday, October 29, 2011

What We're Playing This Week: October 24 - 31

The Tank Commander | Kat

What GamePro Is Playing This Week

In the coming weeks, there will be about a million Battlefield 3 vs. Modern Warfare 3​ comparisons on the Internet. But I only need one reason to keep playing Battlefield 3--tanks. Once I get to know these maps, the world will be mine. Mine.

What We're Playing This Week: October 24 - 31

Not shown: his arms ripping off his torso.

How Does Nathan Drake Still Have Arms?!| Chris

What GamePro Is Playing This Week

I've been playing the Uncharted series back to back to back these past few weeks. And this has been a really humbling experience in regards to my own rock climbing prowess. When I see Nathan Drake perform mantels and double dynos whilst being shot at, I wonder why the heck I'm struggling with a 5.11 C in the comfort of my own gym. Maybe it's because I don't have a theme song, I don't know.

What We're Playing This Week: October 24 - 31

What I Was Digging…Until My Xbox Stopped Generating Color | Patrick

What GamePro Is Playing This Week

I’ve never been a particularly huge fan of Batman aside from Rocksteady’s gritty Batman video games, which are among some of my favorite action games of the last few years. But about two hours into the new game, Arkham City, the color was mysteriously sapped out of my Xbox 360 (yeah, I already tried switching out the video cables), leaving me with an entirely monochromatic display. Guess it’s time to upgrade to the Xbox 360 S.

What We're Playing This Week: October 24 - 31

Screw Your Nintendo 3DS, I've Got Mage Gauntlet | McKinley

An awesome storyline, slick animation, cheap price tag, spunky female protagonist -- man, Mage Gauntlet has it all. Honestly, I don't even care about what I could be playing on the Nintendo 3DS​ or my broken PlayStation Portable​ right now. With apps like this, I could go all night on $3. BOOSH.

What We're Playing This Week: October 24 - 31

I Prefer the Prone Position | Tom

What GamePro Is Playing This Week

This could probably be my "what I'm playing" entry for the next nine months or so, considering how much time I spent online with the last Battlefield. But BF3 is superior, and the only question for me right now is how much will I level up my support class character before bothering with the others? I may get a few rounds in playing engineer in vehicle-heavy maps, but I just cant stop racking up those support assist points from the prone position.

What We're Playing This Week: October 24 - 31

100 Car Club Members. 100 Floors. 10,000 Zombies. | Julian

What GamePro Is Playing This Week

My Forza 4 Car Club hit the max 100 members this week -- a nice surprise, which has the added benefit of ensuring Rivals mode presents me with a whole bunch of new times to beat every day thanks to the competitive nature of my Car Club chums. Speaking of 100, I also hit the century mark in Tiny Tower -- I've been plugging away for weeks, and was happy to finally reach that milestone 100th floor. The other thing I've been playing is Dead Nation. I've had it for ages, but didn't play it properly until earlier this week, whereupon I went all-out. Brilliant fun, especially in co-op mode which my girlfriend also loves.

What We're Playing This Week: October 24 - 31

God Dammit | Will

What GamePro Is Playing This Week

Because Chris Holt is apparently an inherently awful person, I'm playing Shall We Date?: Heian Love for my OMFG review. Who would've thought that a dating sim based around honor-bound imperial folks in kimonos would be really, really boring? Oh wait, everyone would've thought that.

What We're Playing This Week: October 24 - 31

More Spiky Death Over Here! | Pete

What GamePro Is Playing This Week

I loved the concept of Dungeon Defenders when it launched on iOS -- tower defense plus action RPG sounded like a whole lot of win to me -- but the clunky touchscreen controls marred the experience a little. Now I can play it on my big TV with mouse and keyboard, my suspicions are confirmed: this is, without doubt, one of the most fun co-op multiplayer games I've ever played. Grab some friends and jump in -- you won't be disappointed, especially not for $15.

What We're Playing This Week: October 24 - 31

Finally | Justin

What GamePro Is Playing This Week

Now that Battlefield 3 is out and Modern Warfare and Skyrim are so close, Arkham City almost feels like yesterday's news. No one on my friend's list is playing it anymore, but I'm excited to finally get to try it myself. The game already reminds me (in a good way) of Assassin's Creed 2, but I have no idea how I'll find time to finish the main quest when so many side missions keep calling out to me.

What We're Playing This Week: October 24 - 31

Missile! | Olivia
What GamePro Is Playing This Week

With a quirky, overzealous cast of detectives, innocents, and ghosts, and an adventure story wrought with clever mystery and puzzle mechanics, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a DS game that comes highly recommended. The game's stand-out character, a spunky, dedicated Pomeranian named Missile, is another highlight. Only the coldest of souls could play Ghost Trick and not be charmed by that little firecracker.

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