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Friday, December 23, 2011

Get schooled in Scrabble on Facebook, iOS and Android this summer

Now your vocabulary can be dwarfed by, well, everyone. Scrabble by EA has been on iPhone and Facebook for some time, but as two separate experiences. Now, as VentureBeat reports, players from either game can compete against one another in real time, thanks to some Internet alchemy that EA likely wouldn't dare reveal. (Alright, it's probably just a form of Facebook Connect.)

Revealed at EA's Summer Showcase in San Francisco, Scrabble is headed to Android phones next week, meaning word nerds can compete in real time across iOS, Android and Facebook. The company also revealed that Restaurant City is coming to iOS devices as well.

Another interesting bit that EA unveiled is real-time multiplayer in FIFA 2012 for iOS using two iPhones as controllers and an iPad as the game screen. You know, for when gaming on a single expensive device just isn't enough. Check out the video below to see how Scrabble works across platforms in real time.

[Image Credit: Moshe Jacobson]

Are you excited to test your friends' wordsmithery from both Facebook and your smartphone in real time? What other EA mobile games shown at the Showcase are you psyched about?

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