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Friday, December 23, 2011

How do you become awesome at Bejeweled Blitz? Start early [Video]

Talk about living vicariously. This father is a self-admitted Bejeweled Blitz nut, and like any self-respecting nerdy dad has decided to pass on his love for PopCap's exploding gems to his 7-month-old daughter.

Sure, he's probably starting a bit early, but just you watch: This kid is going places. Well, that's if Bejeweled becomes a professional sport someday, but we wouldn't bank on it.

So, don't stop throwing change into that "college fund." Hey, at least it's better than passing on love for contact sports or power tools.

[Via PopCap]

[Video Credit: henamychou]

Are you a Bejeweled-addled parent, too? How early did you start your kids on the gem genocide? Sound off in the co

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