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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Zynga gets handy, fixes Pioneer Trail gifting issues, boosts limit to 50

The Pioneer Trail has brought with it more highs than its serious lows, and even now Zynga has opted to fix those flaws to make for a game we can't really complain too much about. It appears that the issue with gifting and requesting help in Pioneer Trail has been fixed.

When the game launched, players could not filter their lists of friends when sending specific gifts or requests like in the original FrontierVille, forcing them to sift through all of their Facebook friends and essentially guess who the gamers were. Finally, Zynga has restored the filters, allowing players to see just their Pioneer Trail friends in addition to those recommended by Facebook.

Better yet, the developer has boosted the gifting limit in Pioneer Trail to 50 friends per gift. This will reduce the amount of time you spend sending gifts to friends, and increase the amount of gifts you can receive at once. However, FrontierVille Info guesses that this boost might be temporary, as other Facebook games have had higher gifting limits in the past only for them to drop.

Pioneer Trail gifting limit increase
Perhaps as the game garners more players--it currently stands at over 12 million monthly players--this number will come back down. Until then, be sure to take full advantage of this boost and get things done just that much faster while on the Trail.

[Via FrontierVille Info]

Are you more satisfied with The Pioneer Trail now that the gifting issues have been fixed and the limit has been increased? What else do you think needs improvement in the game?

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