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Friday, December 23, 2011

Lunchtime Poll: FrontierVille's Pioneer Trail rumored to be a completely new game

At least one of our readers isn't too pleased about the big rumor that the upcoming FrontierVille Pioneer Trail expansion will be a completely separate Facebook game. Blog reader Angela says the following:

    "If the pioneer trail is going to be like Farmville, and it is another app/frontier than I DO NOT LIKE IT. I stopped playing Farmville because of new English farm. It was to much to deal with, time consuming, and there was so many problems with the game. Keep Frontierville the way it is and let us explore the trails but still come home to the family. Or create missions down the trails, but don't make it where we have to move our towns. I... Hey Zynga!!! Have you ever heard, DON'T FIX IT IF IT'S NOT BROKEN."

So, what do you think? If FrontierVille's Pioneer Trail turns out to be a separate Facebook app, will you have the same gut reaction as Angela? Or does a small part of you think it'll actually be a good thing? After all, FrontierVille is notorious for running slowly and crashing, so maybe a new game that runs faster and smoother might be in order.

Let your voice be heard; vote in our lunchtime poll below.

FrontierVille Pioneer Trail as a separate game: Good idea or totally lame?
Yeah, sure. Makes sense.Eh, doesn't matter to me.A separate game? Totally lame.I don't play FrontierVille.
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