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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Crowdstar Cares campaign aids Japan relief through AmeriCares

It seems like every year, there's at least one disaster somewhere in the world that gets all the major social games companies in the giving mood. So far, on the current crisis in Japan, we've reported that Playfish has partnered with Mercy Corps, while Zynga has engaged in a massive outreach of their fans for donations going to Save the Children. On a smaller scale, there's Crowdstar, whose previous relief effort was teaming up with the National Wildlife Foundation to fight the BP oil spill.

To help Japan, Crowdstar is offering special Limited Edition virtual items in three of its Facebook games: Happy Aquarium, It Girl, and Happy Pets. Each item costs 88 Facebook Credits (roughly $9 USD) and Crowdstar has promised that all proceeds will go to AmeriCares, which has thanked Crowdstar for the help on their Facebook page. This campaign will end by April 8th. Take a look at all three items below:

Happy Pets Mini Purple Crowdstar Cat
Mini purple crowdstar cat from Happy Pets
It Girl Japanese Kimono
It Girl Japanese Kimono
Happy Aquarium Japanese Ranchu Goldfish Happy Aquarium Japanese Ranchu Goldfish

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