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Sunday, January 8, 2012

FrontierVille: Toy Factory leaves with one final gift for some Pioneers

The holiday season is now long gone, and the Toy Factory has finally left the homesteads of FrontierVille, but before it left, Frontier Jack and the Elves made sure to help those users who still had presents left to redeem inside. For all users that still had enough presents to purchase at least one of the items available from the Toy Shop, Zynga went ahead and used those presents to purchase the most expensive item that you could afford on your behalf by rounding up your current total of presents to the next available gift.

This prize can be found inside your gift box. Unfortunately, this does mean that you won't be able to save those gifts to use in a similar event this year, but it will likely be just as easy to earn then as it was this time.

We can understand that some users might be upset that these presents were used against their will, but we've been given quite a bit of warning that the Toy Factory was leaving the game, so if you simply forgot to trade in your excess presents, I guess this is a "better than nothing" extension of the olive branch on Zynga's behalf. We can't say that we necessary disagree with their decision, as any free item is better than simply losing your presents, and receiving nothing whatsoever in return.

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