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Sunday, January 8, 2012

CityVille's FarmVille Promo Quest: Everything you need to know

For some time now, we've known that Zynga would be launching a cross-promotion between their two biggest games, FarmVille and CityVille. However, the details have been shaky at best concerning this new promotion, as some users have reported seeing a CityVille branded item being available in the FarmVille marketplace, that will supposedly launch a specific quest for you in CityVille, but the users spotting this were very few in number, and the information has been unreliable at best.

Now, though, we have some very concrete details about this new quest, as you can actually activate it on your farm (or rather, in your city). Click on this link to activate the FarmVille Promo quest in CityVille.

Upon entering CityVille (using the link above), you'll be greeted by the pop-up pictured at the top of this post. It tells entirely new CityVille players that you'll first need to complete the entire tutorial, along with naming your city in order to be eligible for the FarmVille quest. If you've never played CityVille, you'll earn a free item - the Farmgineers [pictured] - back in FarmVille for completing this quest, so it definitely is worth it.

Meet us behind the break for complete details as to how to complete this simple goal and claim your reward.
Once you activate this quest in your city, you'll see the large FV logo resting alongside the left portion of the CityVille gameplay window, in line with the other active quests on your account. This quest is fairly simple, so long as you have a few active neighbors playing CityVille (or a few active farmers that have also started playing CityVille just to complete this quest), as it only requires you to complete one task:

Ask friends to help find Rare Seedlings for Rita

As you might have guessed, finding these rare seeds is a process that requires you to click on the "Ask your Friends" button in the quest window and then post a general news item to your feed asking your friends for help. You can also skip this step and simply pay 8 City Cash to finish the mission instantly.

Once you complete this quest, you'll see another FarmVille logo appear in the quest line. Clicking on this window brings up a pop-up with a link to click on to claim your reward back in FarmVille. Click on this button and voila - you are told by Zynga that you've successfully earned the Farmgineers item for completing the mission. The Farmgineers can be found in your Gift Box, and then used as any other decorative item in the game can be used.

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