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Friday, January 6, 2012

FarmVille Sneak Peek: Knight Gnome, Gumdrop Cluster, and More

Today has been absolutely golden for unreleased items in FarmVille, as we've come across two more items that will apparently be released shortly in the Fairy Tale limited edition item theme, along with a little visual proof that Zynga is working on a 30 x 30 land expansion in the game.

The two Fairy Tale items are the Knight Gnome and Gumdrop Cluster. While there's no guarantee that either of these items will be released officially, after the launch of the Princess Gnome just a few days ago, his arrival is all but guaranteed. We'd guess that both of these items will be released as single purchase items in the store, but it is also possible that they make their way into a new Mystery Game (rumor has it, another Mystery Game containing the Pink Unicorn is in our future).

As for the 30 x 30 Land Expansion, we don't have many details just yet, but we have started to hear rumblings about an expansion in the works, since this would be the most logical advancement in the game, after the 28 x 28 land expansion that was released late last year. Zynga hasn't officially announced that they are working on the land expansion, but we can only hope that there is some truth to the rumor.

As usual, we'll make sure to give you all of the details about these new items when they officially launch in the game, so keep checking back.

What do you think of this new set of FarmVille unreleased items?

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