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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Zynga releases FarmVille on Google Chrome Web Store

Google's Chrome Web Store launched today, and with it came the release of a FarmVille by Zynga Chrome web app. In an effort to keep you as up-to-date as possible concerning all things FarmVille, we took this app for a spin.

Technically, the app is incredibly easy to install on your Chrome web browser. Just sign into your Google Account, head over to the Chrome Web Store, and search for FarmVille. This shows you a page where you click on "Install" to, you guessed it, install the "app." From there, every time you open a new tab in Chrome, you'll see the FarmVille logo presented under the new "Apps" heading, like in the screenshot at the right of this post.

Clicking on this button - wait for it - takes you to No, that's not a joke. All this "application" does is add a much larger bookmark to your new tab (where you normally see links to your most visited websites). However, since it had been awhile since we've actually played the game on, we did notice one nice thing, that being the launch of Widescreen Farming.

Where the true Facebook experience is limited to the small gameplay window shared by the vast majority of Facebook apps, this Widescreen Farming on allows you to view a screen that is about 1/3 wider than normal. This means that those farmers that like to view their farms up-close-and-personal, rather than being zoomed out, will have an easier time scrolling around their land, as you can simply see more land at once.

Ultimately, is the App worth installing? We'd have to say no. Unless you have too many bookmarks in your Chrome Bookmarks Bar (the one underneath the address bar), and you want to free some space, you're better off just skipping this one.

Is Google Chrome your primary browser? If so, have you checked out the Web Store? Will you download the FarmVille app for its new bookmark?

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